Thank You

Thank you for contacting us. We will contact you soon to schedule an appointment to discuss your treatment options. If you have requested an appointment in the next 1-5 days, please give our office a call for more immediate assistance at (718) 208-4474.

In the meantime, learn more about CRH O’Regan System® for hemorrhoid treatment, or visit our FAQ page for answers to questions you may have.

Schedule your consultation today

Fast & Effective

The procedure takes about 1 minute to perform and is 95% effective.

No Recovery Time

Most patients can resume normal activities the same day.


The procedure is painless and typically no pain medication is required after the procedure.

Out of Network Provider

Fairfield County Hemorrhoid Clinic is an out of network provider. This means that we do not participate in the provider networks of insurance companies, and we do not accept Medicaid or Medicare. Superbills are available upon request.

Call Us Today (203) 291-5222

Request a consultation

Patient Testimonial

I cannot even express how much this procedure has changed my quality of life. Thank you so much. I can sit and lay down again comfortably.

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